You may have noticed that this website doesn't have a cookie policy consent popup. That's because we've stripped away all the cookies in this first part of the site. We now check out webstats via server log data (so no more intrusive Google analytics), we don't try to work out who you are and whether you've been here before, neither do we log where you're accessing the site from.

We do use cookies once you try to make a booking, however. We need to in order to help if you're interrupted half-way through the process. You'll see a link to the Cookie Policy on the booking form.

Our bookings are managed via "SuperControl" and they will set Session Cookies to track your booking. Their names start with ASPSESSIONID and then have various ending codes:

  • -sc_pp track payments
  • -scenq track any errors
  • -test checks if cookies are enabled
  • crsf_token is a random token used as an additional security measure

Once you're in the booking process there will be other Cookies set by third parties. Here's what they mean:

  • cookies starting with incapses, nlbi_, visid_incap are set by the Web Application Firewall to prevent internet attacks and keep our and your data safe
  • cookies starting with gat, ga, _gid, utm, are all Google Analytics cookies (Supercontrol tracks visitors with GA).
  • occasionally you'll see a cookie called cfduid this is a CloudFlare cookie, a global CDN to help the site load faster.

So, in conclusion, while you're browsing out website we don't store any cookies. Once you start a booking process or enquiry, we will need to use some cookies, as detailed above. As soon as you enter a part of the site that will use cookies you will see a "cookies notice" link in the bottom right of the page.

Information on deleting or controlling cookies is available at