Since 1982

Personally Inspected Villas

Personally Inspected Villas

All our Villas, Cottages and Apartments are handpicked

But what do we mean by that?

When we say that all the villas are both hand-picked and inspected by us it means just that.

Here's how we do it:

Owners get in touch with us - we've been going for long enough that we owners come directly to us and usually send us photos and details of houses and villas they'd like us to list.

We have a look through what's been sent over - this is a group activity and we all chip in with our pros and cons. Sometimes we say no. Other times we go back to the owners to ask questions and get clarifications.

If we think it's worth going to see then one of us - normally in the first instance the local rep - will go for a first visit to the house. If it passes that test then I'll try to and see it - me being Dan, the owner, and if goes according to plan we'll list it on our website.

But how do we choose which Villas to take?

What makes a good holiday Villa?

There are all sorts of answers to this question, and they are all valid; we look for cleanliness, good maintenance and good equipment.

We look for charm, something special, the view, details or atmosphere that are going to make a holiday extra special.

We check features, like air-conditioning, heated pools or WiFi.

Services are always useful: does the villa have maid service, or a local chef, cookery classes or local babysitters?

But none of these are enough if the main and most important ingredient is missing:

The Villa Owner

A good owner will determine how the house is looked after over the years, how guests will be looked after in the case of emergencies, and will also influence the warmth and welcome the guests feel and get. Though we inspect and hand-pick Villas, what we're really selling is memories, and our aim is to give you fantastic memories to take home. And that's down to the people looking after the Villa before you arrive and then after you when you're there.

It's also is why we have such a variety of Villas and places to stay: if the place is charming and the owner warm, caring and engaged, that's more important than having an en-suite bathroom in all the bedrooms, or a 24 hour concierge service.